About Guest Contributor, Amy Bradley

In addition to her deeply-held vegan values, Amy Bradley is vegan for the more practical reason that the vegan bakery is closest to her home. She has been vegan and an animal rights activist for 14 years and loves to adopt and foster companion animals. The furry members of her household outnumber the humans, so the dogs take over the couch while she, her husband and son pet them from their place on the floor. Amy taught high school for ten years and works in education. Her students informed her that she not only wears her veganism on her sleeve (literally) but shouts it from a megaphone (occasionally).

Is Stephen Colbert Vegan?

Why does Colbert cover farmed animal issues, do stories about animals kept captive for entertainment and segments about politicians who screw over animals if he isn't vegan? Getting at the motivations of a man who plays an often-outlandish parody of himself as a Fox News reactionary is not simple—cognitive dissonance is key to his success as a satirist.