About Guest Contributor, Julia Feliz

Julia is a native Puerto Rican that now finds herself somewhere in Europe with her husband and adopted rabbit daughter. With a background in biology, Julia has had unforgettable experiences in the natural world, which inspire her work as an artist. Over the years, Julia has been fortunate to work as an illustrator for several public and non-public entities, including newspapers and a state park. She has also found an interest in writing and has published in the Irish Vegetarian Society, the UK’s Vegan Society “Vegan” Magazine, and several internet sites and groups focusing on promoting compassionate living and veganism. Julia awoke to veganism about 3.5 years ago and has been enjoying her compassionate life (and loving all the amazing food) ever since. She’s never looking back.

The Case Against Pets

What animal loving vegan would argue against the adoption of one of millions of animals that are put on death row each and every year?

A Fresh Start

I’m incredibly proud and passionate about my veganism and will talk anyone’s ear out about veganism if asked about it, so my intention is not to hide my veganism but wait until it comes up in a non-threatening and laid-back way.