Almond Dream Bites

By Published On: 1 March 2010Last Updated: 17 January 2017

The Almond Bites are the perfect bite size, and they pop perfectly into your mouth. But don't let their little size fool you- these puppies pack one heck of a chocolate and vanilla punch.

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Full disclaimer, I’m not an avid ice cream lover. I do enjoy a cold sweet treat in the warmer months which, around these here parts, is about 3 days in the middle of August. That said, these Almond Dream Bites are pretty darn good.

These are reminiscent of the days when I would go with my dad to the local Dairy Queen, and get myself a vanilla cone dipped in chocolate.  My favorite part of these trips was carefully removing the biggest chunk of chocolate shell as possible and stuffing it in my mouth before it melted.

The Almond Bites are the perfect bite size, and they pop perfectly into your mouth.  But don’t let their little size fool you- these puppies pack one heck of a chocolate and vanilla punch.  The chocolate shell is rich and makes a satisfying crunch when bitten into.  And, oh- it’s joy, pure joy- tasting that creamy vanilla sweet treat.  It’s a party in my mouth!

I did find two downfalls to this product.  First, be careful upon opening the container.  I’m not going to mention any names here but, someone may have tried to get the lid off of the container and did- but the contents also flew all over the place.  I’m not the slightest bit ashamed to say that I gathered them up and ate them anyway.  The are that good. The only other downfall I could see is that the tub doesn’t automatically refill itself.  And it should, it totally should.

Goatz Rating 5

I give these Dream Bites 5 Goatz for their tasty tempting flavor, perfect bite size, chocolate-ty chocolate shell, and their ability to conjure up precious childhood memories.  In other words, YUM.


  1. Kay July 6, 2019 at 10:36 am - Reply

    It’s 2019, and I don’t know if the formula has changed, but we bought these treats assuming they’d be dairy-free, seeing as how they’re Almond Dream, aka almond milk rather than bovine milk. The label proudly proclaims, “Gluten-free!” but nowhere does it say “dairy-free.” Out of curiosity, I perused the ingredients. I had to scan them twice before I noticed the little asterisk near the ingredient, “unsweetened chocolate.” Once I finally located the additional information, I was chagrined to read, “Unsweetened chocolate contains milk, and thus this product isn’t suitable for dairy allergies” or something to that extent. Man, that’s SLEAZY! One would assume, being Almond Dream, that the product is dairy-free. This isn’t a case of “this product may have come in contact with incidental soy, nuts, milk…” etc. This is an ingredient containing milk, and the label not only tries to disguise that fact with fine print, but also with their bold “gluten-free!” proclamation which is meant as a deflection. Who ever heard of ice-cream containing gluten, anyhoo? This is blatant sleaze, from a seemingly reputable company. If this is their current modus operandi, I’ll be looking elsewhere for TRULY dairy-free milks and other products. Their nut and rice milks may be dairy free still, but this has left a horrid taste in my mouth. The treats are tasty, though! But the misrepresentation and shady business practices are things I choose not to support.

  2. Dwana Nichols August 20, 2018 at 5:08 pm - Reply

    They are so good. I’m very lactose intolerant and most dairy products mess me up. Those almond bites made me be able to eat ice cream again. I’m having problems finding them in the stores. Where can I get them???

    • KD Angle Traegner August 24, 2018 at 8:23 am - Reply

      I live in Ohio and I’ve found these at these stores: Market District, Krieger’s, and Seven Grains Natural Market. If you are outside of Ohio, try calling ahead to local health food stores or larger grocery store chains. Good luck!

  3. kate March 24, 2016 at 2:32 pm - Reply

    They have 10 grams of saturated fat per serving. If you eat the entire container in one go, that’s 30g of saturated fat, or 150% of the daily requirement! Avoid! Avoid! Processed food is still processed food even if it’s “vegan.” Also, the product isn’t even vegan, as it says on the box that it’s contaminated with milk!

    • KD Traegner March 25, 2016 at 12:59 am - Reply

      Hi Kate! Processed food is still processed food, that’s true. Regardless, Almond Bites are a vegan food and this is a vegan blog so my focus on letting people know which foods are vegan. Beyond that people are free to choose to eat which vegan foods they want. I haven’t had them in a few years (this is an older post) but the last I checked they were indeed vegan- perhaps that has changed and I’ll investigate further so thanks for the heads up!

      • kate March 25, 2016 at 2:44 am - Reply

        I’m not sure if it’s changed, but if you check the label, it says it’s ok for lactose intolerant people to eat, but not for those with a milk protein allergy. It directly says that due to shared equipment, the product has traces of milk. If it were vegan it would proudly proclaim itself as vegan. Also, what’s the point of promoting something vegan when it has such a high saturated fat? There are lots of healthier vegan ice creams, with far less fat continents.

        • KD Traegner March 25, 2016 at 9:12 pm - Reply

          Well, again- this post is six years old so maybe Almond Dream Bites are different now I don’t know- I’ll have to do a little bit of research again. Whether or not something has a high saturated fat content isn’t the point of my site. My site is about veganism and veganism is about whether or not products have animal ingredients in them. Almond Dream Bites (at the time I wrote this post) didn’t. Veganism isn’t about health, it’s about saving animals. Besides that, a treat is a treat is a treat. I’m not here to tell people which treat is healthier, I’m here to tell them which one is vegan.

          • kate March 26, 2016 at 7:14 am - Reply

            Yeah, you’d have to read its nutrition label at a store, because on the official website it says “may contain” traces of milk, while on the container itself it says “contains.” The carrageenan in the product is also problematic, and most other vegan ice creams don’t have it, but sure, it’s still “vegan.” Hopefully you’ve heard of the So Delicious vegan ice cream brand by now. Their almond ice cream is only 4g of sat fat per serving, compared to this ice cream’s 10g. That’s a massive difference. Yes, it’s still a treat, but a much healthier one for one’s body.

            You’re not helping the vegan movement by not being concerned about health, a big reason why many vegans consider veganism in the first place. Veganism has many benefits. It helps human health, animal welfare, the environment, etc. I’m not saying you have to advocate that people eat broccoli all the time, but why not say you found a great tasting vegan ice cream low in saturated fat, and to still moderate consumption of it, as it’s still a processed food that can negatively affect your health in excess? Humans are animals, too, and veganism can be the healthiest diet for us if we’re not being encouraged to eat processed vegan foods all the time.

            • KD Traegner March 26, 2016 at 9:03 am - Reply

              Kate, Who is denying anything? Surely you realize that the vegan landscape has changed greatly over the past six years? Most of the products I talked about then were the only ones available to me at that time. I don’t live where a Whole Foods exists, I live in a small town and was excited for each new product I found- hence why I spent so much time talking about them. Since then the market has been flooded with products suitable for vegans and so I don’t talk about them much anymore- I can’t remember the last time I reviewed a food item- it’s been years. Regardless, things change and it’s possible that Almond Dream is one of those things that did- again, I don’t know.

              You seem to be angry that I’m not a health blog- I can’t help that. Veganism isn’t about being healthy, regardless if that is why someone is attracted to it in the first place or not. Veganism is about not using animals- that’s my focus. I see no value in pretending to be a medical professional when I am not. Keep in mind, just because someone chooses to eat a vegan diet doesn’t mean that it’s automatically healthy. That’s the danger in promoting veganism as a healthful diet. Certainly it can be (it has been for me), but it isn’t automatically. Someone isn’t going to be picking up a pint of vegan ice cream because they think it’s healthy. If you have issues on why you shouldn’t consume a vegan product, then by all means, don’t consume it. But six years ago this item was vegan and it didn’t taste terrible (like a lot of other vegan products did at that time). That was the point of this post.

  4. lucylulu2u July 24, 2015 at 9:59 pm - Reply

    These bites are soooo good, I think they have crack in them. I recently gave up desserts for 2 weeks to shape up for a photo shoot. I kept telling myself my reward after the shoot would be a pint of almond bites. I agree that the tub should refill itself and the pint should be 1 serving, not 3!

  5. February 22, 2011 at 1:59 am - Reply

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Baby Wit, Baby Wit. Baby Wit said: these are highly addictive and an expensive habit to boot - […]

  6. sparklingsights March 27, 2010 at 6:58 pm - Reply

    These looks SO good. I haven’t seen them anywhere yet but I’ll have a look! I hope we have them in Canada…

    • KD March 28, 2010 at 9:00 am - Reply

      I hope you get a chance to find some in your area, they are totally, TOTALLY worth it :)

      • kate March 24, 2016 at 2:33 pm - Reply

        They’re about as worth it as Oreo cookies or lay’s potato chips.

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HELLO! I'm KD Angle-Traegner.

Writer, activist, and founder of Four Urban Paws Sanctuary. I’m on a mission to help people live a vegan life. Read more about KD…