Filled with probiotics
Are you searching for dairy-free yogurt? Then you’re in the right place. There are plenty of yogurt options made from a variety of plant milk.
Vegan options include yogurts from various plant kinds of milk like almond, cashew, coconut, oat, or soy milk. Filled with probiotic bacteria, dairy-free yogurt can be a beneficial addition to a healthy diet.
Let me tell you more.

Dairy-free options at grocery stores / Source
1. Shopping guide
Here’s what you need to know before you head to the store.
Find dairy-free yogurt in stores
Let’s talk yogurt basics.
You probably already know that dairy-based yogurt is made with animal milk like cows, goats, or sheep. In these cases, the yogurt isn’t suitable for vegans because the type of milk, animal-based, is used to make it.
So, what kind of yogurt is vegan?
Brands that use plant milks like almond, cashew, coconut, oat, soy, or other plant-based milk are usually vegan. Head to the grocery store's refrigerated section where the dairy products live. Vegan versions are typically right next to dairy versions.
Read the label carefully, and look for ones marked dairy-free, plant-based, or vegan.
Vegan yogurt brands
2. Vegan yogurt recipes
Ready for cooking inspiration? These recipes will surely satisfy you.
Recipes to try
- 2-ingredient Coconut Yogurt
Minimalist Baker
- Basic Yogurt Recipe
A Virtual Vegan
- Instant Pot Cashew Yogurt
My Quiet Kitchen
- Coconut Almond Yogurt
Go Dairy-Free
- Cultured Cashew Yogurt
Beet of the Wild
- Homemade Yogurt
Happy Food, Healthy Life
- Soy Greek Yogurt
Yum Vegan Food
- Vegan Almond Milk Yogurt
Full of Plants
- Vegan Greek Yogurt
Veggies Don't Bite

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I am committed to providing accurate information to the vegan community. This topic has been meticulously researched and contains researched and cited sources, ensuring transparency and reliability for readers seeking accurate information.
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