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Celebrating the Year of the Snake with Pythons

By |10 February 2013|

The Lunar New Year is celebrated at the second new moon after the winter solstice, which happens to be today, and 2013 is the Year of the Snake. We're celebrating by highlighting the important roles that snakes play in various ecosystems, and the need for their conservation. First up, pythons.

A squirrel tale

By |14 December 2010|

This year, consider gifts that (I wish this didn't sound so trite. It's trite but true...) keeps giving over and over again. Over the next few days I'll be highlighting a few gifts that honor this special season.

Same shit – different day

By |26 March 2010|

It's just another Friday morning.... " and your fruity group of peta lovers need to calm the hell down and focus on what's important out there in life and that's human beings. you are alive because of us and because of the flesh of animals YOU CONSUME."