About Charleen Angle

Charleen Angle is a lover of all the Earth's animals an all the Earth's music. Trained in the Fine Arts, she's an outspoken and compassionate 13 year vegan who will spend the rest of her life working on behalf of animals everywhere.

Vegan News 5.24.13

Scottish Wildcat becoming extinct, pets displaced by Oklahoma tornado, citizens complain of traveling animal exhibit whose owner says he's following the law and making people smile.

Vegan News 5.23.13

All animals from Russian space ark have died or will die, Animal activism on the rise in China, Dairy industry wants to make milk sweet to increase consumption in schools.

Vegan News 5.22.13

Pigeon auctioned at record price, Texas bans animal gas chamber, manatees abused in FL, officers kill bear in neighborhood, US agency sued for bear disappearance

Vegan News 5.21.13

Training bees to sniff out landmines, vaccinating sheep and cattle in UK, activist arrested in Oregon for taping rodeo, Alabama passes new animal cruelty law

Vegan News 5.20.13

Taxpayers funding Monsanto's operations, Praying Mantises, Justin Bieber's abandoned monkey, endangered Hawaiian hawks shot with BB gun.