Veganism and Co-Existing Health Issues
It’s a tough place from which to advocate when I myself don’t have to balance my animal-rights convictions with other serious health-related restrictions.
It’s a tough place from which to advocate when I myself don’t have to balance my animal-rights convictions with other serious health-related restrictions.
If we don’t at least face the world with our convictions firm to begin with, our chances of fulfilling them are diminished from the very beginning.
Speaking out, preaching or not, gives all who hear you the opportunity to listen, look, and perhaps make just even that very first small change.
The gift of sleeping each night knowing that to the best of my ability I have not harmed any living creature – that is the higher calling I strive to fulfill each day.
Taking the food source produced and needed by another species just because we happen to like it isn't justified – even from insects.