Worldwide vegan news.
Arby’s Wants Attention, Will Mock Vegetarians to Get It
Arby's wants you to know that they respect you and your lifestyle... but they are going to mock the hell out of it.
Worldwide vegan news.
Arby's wants you to know that they respect you and your lifestyle... but they are going to mock the hell out of it.
In Defense of Animals launched its Animal Activist Helpline. Support is here for those of us who need it.
Beyoncé did not stop eating animals for 22 days because she cared about them, so it should come as no surprise that she's gone into business with a "vegan" meal delivery service that omits animals from its "why plant-based" list.
The IAI Academy is holding a free animal rights course that asks, do we radically misclassify animals?
Everyone is invited to sit down at the 46millionturkeys Thanksgiving table and spread compassion. You do not have to be an artist to participate. Go to to learn more and be counted!