Cover for the book, The Hell World. Features black cover with white lettering.

The Hell World

Author: Noone

Last Updated: 15 July 2021Published On: 8 March 2016

The Hell World seeks to highlight the absurdity of the human condition as seen from the vantage point of outsider alien view.

Cover for the book, The Hell World. Features black cover with white lettering.

The Hell World

Author: Noone

Last Updated: 15 July 2021Published On: 8 March 2016

The Hell World seeks to highlight the absurdity of the human condition as seen from the vantage point of outsider alien view.

Cover for the book, The Hell World. Features black cover with white lettering.

The Hell World

Author: Noone

Last Updated: 15 July 2021Published On: 8 March 2016

The Hell World seeks to highlight the absurdity of the human condition as seen from the vantage point of outsider alien view.


The Hell World Overview

The Hell World a critique of the now in the genre of science fiction; an attack on all of the ridiculous ideologies that have retarded, and continue to retard, the evolution of those self-proclaimed, wise men (homo sapiens) of the planet. These nonsensical philosophies, be they socio-political, economic, military, or religious, have all crippled human-animal evolutionary development for millennia.

But not just that.

Of much more importance is the impact that just this one species of animal has had, is having, and will continue to have on all other lifeforms of this beautiful world and on the planet itself – though, I fear, not for too much longer.

An unthinkable, unmentionable, unconscionable number of individual, sentient beings are slaughtered for human consumption in their multiple-billion every single year.

Habitats essential to other lifeforms have been, and continue to be, regularly destroyed, affecting the very existence of thousands of species of animal and vegetable life.

In itself is an act of mass suicide for human animals as all of those other lifeforms are part of the life cycle. All are interdependent – taking away one leads to a domino-effect and, albeit at first, the whole structure starts to collapses.

We have passed that initial, gradual degradation stage – it has long since gone.

About the Author

Noone is an ethical vegan and the author of The Hell World.

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