Lucent is a feature-length documentary that explores the darker side of Australia’s pig farming industry through a combination of hand-held and hidden camera footage, highlighting the day-to-day cruelty accepted by the industry as standard practice.
About the Filmmakers
Lucent was produced and directed by Chris Delforce. Find out more about the film at Farm Transparency Project.
Critic Reviews
“This is the eye-opening footage animal activists claim is happening in pig farms across Australia. The footage, allegedly shot across 50 farms and piggeries across the country, shows pigs confined to sow and farrowing stalls, some with dead babies nearby and others with bleeding sores. Others appear distressed and in pain. The footage forms the basis for a new feature-length documentary, Lucent, which was compiled by animal rights activist Chris Delforce in the hope it would “make people sit up and question where their food really came from.” Lucent. . .also focuses on practices such as prolonged confinement, surgical mutilation without pain relief, as well as “filthy and crowded ‘free range’ sheds and the use of gas chambers at all major pig slaughterhouses”. And activists claim the most shocking thing of all is that the treatment and confinement of the animals in this way is totally legal.” – Debra Killalea. Lucent Documentary on Australia Pig Farms Reveals the True Price We Pay for Bacon. 8 October 2014
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