Pesky Plastic: An Environmental Story Book Overview
Pesky Plastic: An Environmental Story is a fun and educational book about plastic and the impact it has on our planet. This bright and colorful book can help teach children about the dangers of plastic in our oceans.
The ecology-centered story is a clever way to begin conversations with children about how our actions directly affect the planet. In short, they’ll learn what they can do to help Sally, Allen, Pat, and all the sea animals survive the real-world plastic problem in the oceans.
They’ll discover how plastic bags pollute the oceans even if they don’t live anywhere near water. Children will also see how they can avoid plastic pollution by using reusable bags. It’s a great way to teach children both responsibility and awareness about environmental topics.
Also perfect as a STEM skill readiness resource for the classroom, this book offers:
- Glossary
- Fast Facts
- Quick research notes
- Quizzes
- Classroom Activities
Pesky Plastic: An Environmental Story aligns with National Education Science Standards (NSES).
Not just a classroom tool, this book is also a fun and educational option for any place where children need entertainment. Think of places like waiting rooms at the doctor’s office or dentist.
About the Author
Leticia Colon De Mejias is the author of Pesky Plastic: An Environmental Story and several other books.
Editorial Reviews
“. . .this story comes from a great organization and I do recommend it. The author is the founder and CEO of Green EcoWarriors whose mission is “Creating a Culture of Sustainable thinkers” through education aligned with national standards. . .[it’s] a cute story is about how plastic pollution affects marine animals and how children can help prevent plastic pollution.” – Marie, Because Turtles Eat Plastic Bags. “Children’s Books.“
Books by Leticia Colon De Mejias
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